Episode Materials
Episode 6 Maps

Episode 7 - Map of Communist bases 1927 - 1934
Episode 9 - Artworks from Nanjing China

Example of a Yuefenpai Calendar Poster created for businesses as adverts. This one was created by Jin Meisheng for Tolley, Scott, & Tolley's Pure Grape Brandy

Launched in 1935, the San Mao comics are one of the longest running comic series ever. They cover the chaos of society following the invasion of Japan, and then celebrate the liberation of China by the Communists from 1949. They were extremely popular and still very famous in China. The title of this comic roughly translates to "Reduced Price Bidding". Here, San Mao attempts to sell himself alongside a peasant trying to sell his children to make ends meet.

Example of a Yuefenpai Calendar Poster created for businesses as adverts. This one was created by Jin Meisheng for Tolley, Scott, & Tolley's Pure Grape Brandy
Episode 20 - Organisational Chart of the People's Republic of China

Episode 24 - Propaganda posters from the Korean War

Ni Gengye - Judgement Day for American Imperialism (1953)

Zhang Biwu - It's glorious to take part, to oppose America, support Korea, protect the home and the nation (1951)

Unknown - Stamp out the flames of war, save the peace! (1952)

Ni Gengye - Judgement Day for American Imperialism (1953)
Episode 34 - Peasant murals from the Great Leap Forward

邳縣車輻鄉劉昭全畫壁畫) (Source: The Propaganda Department of the Pi County (Jiangsu) Party Committee of the Communist Party of China中共邳縣縣委宣傳部, 邳縣縣委宣傳部, Pixian de qunzhong meishu huodong邳縣的群眾美術活動 (Mass Art Activities in Pi County) Meishu 9 (1958): 3-9.)

Source: The Propaganda Department of the Pi County (Jiangsu) Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Pixian de qunzhong meishu huodong

1958, source: A selection of posters from farmers in Pi County, Jiangsu

邳縣車輻鄉劉昭全畫壁畫) (Source: The Propaganda Department of the Pi County (Jiangsu) Party Committee of the Communist Party of China中共邳縣縣委宣傳部, 邳縣縣委宣傳部, Pixian de qunzhong meishu huodong邳縣的群眾美術活動 (Mass Art Activities in Pi County) Meishu 9 (1958): 3-9.)